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Deep Dive into Customer Data

  Following on from my blog on big data , which if you haven’t read, I would recommend you do so, you can check it out here, we are going to do a deep dive into customer data. Customer data is an asset for any business. It provides a way for business owners to make more informed decisions and provide greater customer experiences. Businesses in the fitness industry are subject to cyclical consumer patterns. Every January there is an influx of new joiners who are ready to begin their health and fitness journey, but as the year progresses, membership can plateau . The good news is gym owners can learn to avoid the churn and utilise customer data to their advantage and here is how: - Gym goers are all about the gains, but your business can gain a lot more through understanding your members, what their preferences are, fitness goals and related technology they have invested in. By paying attention to your customers and their requirements you can make informed business decisions such...

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